My difficult odyssey has been rewarding and informational. It opened up my heart and mind. Each experience helped me grow, progress, and evolve. I’ve learned how to embrace the highs and lows of each chapter and enjoy life as a series of adventures.
I used to wonder why so many things happened to me, but maybe those things happened for me. Lessons can be blessings in disguise. It’s all about perspective. I see myself as a spiritual being with a divine path and purpose.
Life is messy and unpredictable, that’s just how it is. Not everything makes sense and it doesn’t have to. I’ve epically failed so many times. Holding on in an attempt to force things to work led to depression and anxiety. Luckily I had enough self compassion and confidence to continue to change my life.
Moving around and trying new things helped me heal and accept that most things don’t go as planned. If something doesn’t work out for me I’ll just find something else. There’s a whole fucking world out there! We can change the planet when we change ourselves.
Of course my issues followed me wherever I went. It’s like I was looking for something wrong with everything everywhere (myself, people, and places). Traveling and journaling showed me my patterns which helped me fix some toxic habits. Nothing is perfect, everything is flawed, but that’s what makes things interesting.
I thought my unfulfilled dreams would leave me bitter, but going after them made me realize which goals are really worth it. Putting in solid effort helped me see what is or isn’t meant for me.
Most dreams are unrealistic fantasies that sparkle brighter in our imaginations than reality. Pursuing goals can be such a reality check. Detaching from outcomes is true enlightenment. It’s a blessing in disguise when things don't work out. If I got everything I wanted right away my life would be so fucking boring.
I’ll keep writing and editing the story of my life until I love it. Not everyone will understand my path and they don’t need to. Why surrender to being normal? There’s no need to do things by the book when you can write your own fucking book.
I’ve endured a series of feasts and famines. Everything always makes better sense later on down the road. Losing everything taught me what’s really important. It was a complete strip down, but not in a sexy way.
Nothing THAT bad happened to me. Sure there were hard times, but I was able to get out of every difficult situation. If I’m ever in a place that’s wrong I can keep moving on. I will always find beauty in nature everywhere.
The place you live, the job you have, and the people you surround yourself with have a dramatic impact on your life. My mental health, depression, and anxiety symptoms vanished once I removed myself from bad environments.
If you ever need to make moves and speed up your manifestations, get rid of whatever's in your way! Sell your car, furniture, and unnecessary items. Release toxic habits, jobs, or friendships. Cut out the old to make way for the new!
Sometimes I do crazy shit, just for a good story. Everything is art and we are all artists. We’re all playing our own roles in society. It’s up to us to decide how we want to portray our own characters. We style our bodies, homes, images, etc. Why not throw in a little plot twist here and there?
Going through a series of spiritual awakenings felt different than I imagined. I’m grateful I continued walking down the path towards self discovery. At first I thought I was losing my mind but the whole process became more understandable with each transition. I needed space and isolation to deal with every new chapter and perspective. Most of my friendships from the past fizzled out. I made room for like minded characters to enter the scenes. When I ate clean organic fruits and vegetables from the earth I felt healthier and more spiritually aligned. I got pretty particular about almost everything, especially how I spend my time and energy. Most people will never have access to my body, mind, or space. I gave up lots of shallow people and materialistic possessions for quality time with nature. Grounding practices connected me with the moon and stars. I learned how to sit in the present, meditate, write, breathe, and simply just be. Most entertainment like shows, concerts, movies, and celebrities lost their appeal. Spirituality woke me up to the realization that our societies are fucked and citizens are brainwashed.
Humanity desperately needs a makeover. We need to evaluate the state of our planet and make adjustments. As a whole we need to learn lessons, let go of toxic shit, and create something new. We need to get rid of what has been to make room for what will be. We need a global revolution.
Luckily we are the authors of our realities, so we can switch up the plot and characters whenever we want! There’s a lot of crazy shit going on out there, but we have the power to create positive change.
I’ll continue to share my fucks ups, even if they make me look bad. They can be entertaining and somewhat educational. Perfect is so fucking boring. I’ve watched enough reality tv to know the juicy parts of my story.
Obstacles can be transformational lessons.
If you don’t keep growing you’ll die!
That's just how nature works.